Hi.. I know everyone has different fear like fear of animals, fear of people's, fear of exams, fear of results, fear of lost someone and so on.. But today we will talk about fear of failure.. I know everyone is facing many problems... What are your fears tell me in the comment section... Why we have fear of failure because you do not work more for success... If you really work hard for your success then you have no fear of failure...you want to get rid of your fear of failure.. Then read this article... 

Bro i have a question to you how your fear created??  Who created.?? None you created your all fears.. If you can create your fears... Then why you can't destroy this fears..why❓ anyone have a strong reason.... 
You want to live fearless but you are not trying to remove your fears.. Then who do it for you... Life is yours.. If you become fearless then you enjoy your life none of us.. So why we try for you... But still I am kind.. I will help you.. ☺

Reasons of establishing fear of failures..
1.first you give more importance what others say about me... So you think that if I failed then what they will talk about me.. So you created fear of failures.. Bro no one is yours.. Everyone is just like magnet... If you get success then they will support you.. But if you get failure then they report you.. So Don't value more what they tell about you.. It's just make you sad... 

2.why you have fear of failure because you do not workhard for success.. Because if you really workhard...then you Are sure about your success.. 

3.bro if you  do anywork there is possibility of both success and failure.. You can be fail and can get success.. Both things are possible... You can get success by miracle.. And can fail by chance.. So don't think about results just focus on your work... 

You want to defeat your fears.. But how?? Follow these steps.. 
1.underetand that fear is nothing big... It just a feeling that great by me.. 

2.sometimes fear is good for you.. If you have fear of failure.. Then save from fear you try to work hard more... 

3.if you not try to remove your fear.. Slowly slowly it increases In your life.. And destroy you totally.. Because more times you scared about your failure.. More percentage of fear of failure will increase.. So try to don't be fear.. Tell yourself god will do everything right.. He can't do anything wrong.. Tell this everytime 
when your fear come... 
You should try from today...
I hope you like this article "HAVE YOU FEAR OF FAILURE" and don't be selfish... Share with your friends... 
Thank you
